Pedro O. (Dissidente) - 2013-12-21T18:08:44+0000 - Updated: 2013-12-21T21:50:04+0000
There's a 21st I'm used to hear: "this piece of crap server can't take any load", when you app is burning all cpu cores and eating all of the server's memory (at least until I limit it and reply "your app is fucked up... deal with it...").
And even if I'm a #sysadmin , numbers #20, #15 (you would be amazed), #9 (on people that think they know it better than you) and #1 (on just plain user stupidity) are usuals... ;-)
And even if I'm a #sysadmin , numbers #20, #15 (you would be amazed), #9 (on people that think they know it better than you) and #1 (on just plain user stupidity) are usuals... ;-)